Saturday, 14 July 2012

Swindon, locations, Oxford.

I have misplaced my camera cable, so I will post texty things, and insert the pictures at a later date. OH MY GOODNESS THERE'S AN SD CARD SLOT ON MY LAPTOP GOOD JOLIBOOK GOOD LAPTOP.                                                  

Swindon is very, very pretty. Ok, that is sort of a bit of a lie,  but the bits I chose to busk in were.

In this post I'm going to discuss busking spots. Originally I saw some pretty water fountains in the crossroads of two busy highstreets, and thought, ooh, benches, I'll busk here.

Water features are so annoying. Also, loud. Also, I was in direct sun, the space was too large (so the harp didn't carry) and people were watching but were so far away they were able to run away without feeling obliged to donate.

I found  a lovely little sitting area - in the shade, in a narrower stretch of high-street. People were using the benches, and the harp carried a lot further. I did significantly better here.

I normally try to look for benches - I have a harp stool but I prefer to be sitting up higher - the harp's more stable and I'm more at eye height to people.

I haven't really spoken much about travel, but yesterday I had ALL THE TRAINS.

 Taking the train with all my luggage is a faff. However, FirstGreatWestern have wonderful train seats, which I can put the harp in and sit down. I'll take a photo on the next train - but I was in the quiet carriage and thought it'd be a bit cheeky to ask people to photograph me when they were snoozing quietly.

The train from Didcot Parkway to Oxford, however, was not enjoyable. It was crowded (due to being late, and due to the earlier train being cancelled) and I had to huddle in a doorway. Again, not unbearable, but rather uncomfortable.

And then I got to Oxford, met wonderful friend who found my harp tuning key in the middle of a forest up in Edinburgh, and brought it down for me. Absolutely grand.

And then pints, in the best pub ever. And crisp testing.

And now I'm hanging out with two friends in Haddenham. Awesome. Boom.

Earnt: £117 
Spent: £47 (Hah, wine, train tickets, pints)
Remaining: £70
Time spent playing: 7.5 hours

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